Monday, February 9, 2015

Just tell me who you are.

i want to know your birthday
and your parents jobs
and if you ever heard them fighting
and if you love your siblings
and the worst fight you’ve ever gotten into
and if you like one sibling more than the other
and what you wanted to be when you grew up
when you were seven
and your dream vacation
and the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you
and if you’ve been to therapy
and if it helped and the hardest thing you’ve experienced
and how you overcame it
and if you like what you see when you look in the mirror
and if you think appearances matter in a relationship or at all
and your favorite movie
and which books changed your life
and the hardest you’ve ever cried
and which grandparent you loved the most
and if the words “we need to talk” make you sick to your stomach
and why and which holiday is your favorite
and which season
and which color
and if you like rain
and if you’re scared of dying
and if you believe in god
and if you have allergies
and to what
and what your favorite food is
and restaurant
and if you like to cook
and whether or not you care about cleanliness
and what your political views are
and if you’re a feminist
and your favorite flower
and song
and if you’d rather own a cat or a dog
and if you’d shave off all your hair to give it to a little girl going through chemotherapy
and where you’d like to live
and honeymoon
and what kind of gum and candy you like
and what you act like when you’re mad
and if you’d rather someone buy you silver or gold jewelry or neither
and what clique you were in in high school
and what you think your spirit animal is
and which flower you’d be
and who you admire
and which traits you wish were more dominant
and if you ever worry you’re a shitty person
and what hurt you the most
and why you ever thought you were worthless
and how someone can make you feel better when you’re sad
and if you prefer hugs or kisses
and what your house looks like
and what your dream car is
and which celebrity you think lives the most tragic life
and why you think people become so cold
and what you think about nature vs nurture
and if you believe in heaven and aliens and mermaids and reincarnation and the bible
and which feeling is your least favorite
and what was the best day you ever had
and what would be the best day
and if you see yourself as the protector or one who needs protecting
and how you deal with your pain
and what you would do if you had 100 million dollars
and if you think wealth affects people’s morals
and what good you think writing is
and if you could do it all over, would you
and what would you change
and what mistake was your biggest
and which language you wish you spoke fluently
and how many people you’ve loved
and if you loved the person you lost your virginity to
and if you realize you’re remarkable
and what your enneagram is
and how you think we could improve the education system
and what you think of people who commit suicide do you think they’re selfish?
and what you say to them before they did it if you could
and what your favorite memory of your childhood is
and how you take your tea or if you prefer coffee
and when you last wrote someone a handwritten letter
and what the best gift you ever received was
and what the best piece of advice was
and when the last time you cried was
and if you’re competitive about board games
and which is your favorite
and if you feel pressured to settle down
and what you notice first in a person
and what your top three pet peeves are
and if you have any phobias
and what you’ve always wanted to do but don’t have the courage to go through with
and what you do when you feel overwhelmingly sad
and if you ski
and if plastic surgery was 100% safe and painless, would you get it and where and why
and where you think home is
and if you think politeness is important
and what you think of indecisive people
and if you think there’s ever a reason to go to war
and something that scares you
and if you believe in therapy
and what you want in life
and what you look for in a partner
and what you want to change about yourself
and about the world
and who you want to be
and who you are.
just tell me who you are.

// Just tell me who you are. Like seriously. I just want to know you my dear reader(s).
 You can send me a mail at .
 I will never publish your mail and I will never disclose your identity.
 I promise to not judge you either :) //


  1. What a lovely poem and a lovely way to know your readers. I am glad that you have added me on facebook and we could chat there any time... I will try to come up with a feedback to this post on facebook :) You are incredible clever and you got such a beautiful, unique mind! Loads of kisses, Liuba x

  2. Waiting for ur feedback! :) Thank you
    Much Love,
    Dia :*


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Have a great day!! :)
~ Dia