About Me

So here it is, my first ever blog post. This isn't, however, my first ever introduction.

I could say that my name is Dia, that I live in Singapore, that I have pet dog named Lucky, that I have a mild addiction to chocolate and a not-so mild addiction to books. I could say that.

That wouldn't be a very good introduction, though.

Sure, it tells you all the things you could ever really need to know about me, so I suppose that it is a good introduction, by those standards.

It doesn't, however, say the things I want it to say, so it's not a good introduction.

It would be a good introduction if I wrote about the time I stayed up till five in the morning just to be reassured by a new friend that it's okay to be scared sometimes. 

It would be a good introduction if I wrote about the time I smiled at somebody sitting alone, because I know how much a smile helps when you're lonely.

It would be a good introduction if I wrote about the time when I spent a whole half hour just gathering up the courage to compliment a complete stranger's hair.

It would be a good introduction if I wrote about all the times when sleep seems better than consciousness.

It would be a good introduction if I wrote about he OCD issues that I struggle with.

It would be a good introduction if I told you who I am, not what I seem to be.

There aren't enough words to tell you who I am, though, because even now, while writing this, I'm discovering new things about what it means to be me

I may never manage a good introduction for myself.

But, well, I can try.

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Have a great day!! :)
~ Dia