Thursday, January 9, 2014

When your neighbour is preggers !

 When your neighbour is preggers .... You have to ask her questions !!!

1.  How did you find out you were pregnant? - I just had that 'take a test' feeling. The positive sign came up so fast I forgot to dump my pee out of the cup. My poor husband found it later on in the day and thought it was juice. Whoopsies!! : P

2. When you found out you were pregnant how many tests did you take? Only 3 ;)

3. How many weeks were you when you found out? - Just barely! Around 5 weeks

4. Who was the first person you told you were pregnant besides your partner?- The best friend of course! I sent her the same picture I sent my hubs.

5.  How many weeks are you now? 32 !!  wahoooo!

6. Boy or Girl?- It's a sweet baby GIRL!!

7.When is your due date?- 1st March. Oh man. It's going to be a hot summer

8. Cravings?- Anything sweet. When I lay in bed at night and try to fall asleep, I just think of what I can go eat. I could out eat anyone right now ;)

9. What do you miss? Swimsuits. And having coffee every morning. When I got pregnant it just never sounded good anymore.

10. How much weight have you gained? around 10 pounds!! I gained way too much weight with my first 2 babies.

11. Do you have a name picked out? What? I do! Ryan - not so much. He doesn't love the name I do. So we'll see ;)

12. Is the child being named after someone? Her middle name will be. My grandma would be proud :)

13. Who is going to be with you during delivery? I think it'll be my parents and Ryan. That's how it's always been.

14. What was the first thing you bought for baby? Before I even knew she was a girl- I started getting headbands.
15. what are you going to name her ? I wont tell you so soon ! so keep guessing ;)

Here's to another quick 6 weeks!! We are so excited and can't wait to meet this little girl .


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~ Dia