Sunday, May 5, 2013


 Things that are free:
(I had to think a lot about things that were actually , really , truly free .... )
1) A vast portion of the internet, including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, THIS blog (yay !!!!! )

 2) Nice walks.

3) 5 pm music time.

4) Smells.

5) The joy of a good parking spot.

6) The joy of holding hands with someone whose hands aren't sweaty or pulling you along.

7) The joy of seeing a friend after a long time.

8)  The joy of having nothing to do on a Sunday.

9) Happiness.

10) Sadness is also free, but expensive in the long run.

 Things that give me the heebie jeebies:

1)  Using 'loose' when you mean 'lose'.

2) Dirty dishes.

Things i bought  this week :

1) This pair of shoes

2) This bag from ... (I can't remember the name of the shop .. but the bag is awesome isn't it ???!?!  )

 Things I could eat pretty much all the time:

but then if they don't taste the same in real life as they do in my head, it's always disappointing.
 ( Tempting isn't it ???? : D )

 Things that don't necessarily make me a BAD person but err on the side of Very Human:
1) Making faces in my head when couples I don't like have lovey-dovey pictures on Facebook.

2)  Similarly, making faces at baby photos belonging to new parents I don't like.

3) Critics giving bad reviews to my favorite authors.. ( especially Ravinder Singh - author of I Too Had A Love Story )

 Things I do to compensate on whatever Bad Karma the previous one might get me:

 I also constantly resist the urge to say 'Fuck you' to people who send me dumb and stupid messages on Facebook .( I honestly don't know how they find me ?)  Does this count by the way ?


  1. i always like freebies.
    i like 6th point the most "joy of holding hands..."
    and your ice cream seems cool, eat it before it melts. lol
    keep writing :-)

    1. i just love freebies .. bt its a secret so dun tel any1 .. shhhh...
      the ice cream was actually very cool .... n there's nothg like a melting ice cream to take ur attention away frm problems :D


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~ Dia